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Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School

Well here we are the start of another school year. We made it through that first week and hopefully everyone is starting to settle into the new schedule.  It's a very exciting time of year, but can also be very stressful for parents and for children. 

Many parents are pleased to see their kids return to school. It allows for more structure in their day. Plus it allows parents to get back to their busy routines and a break from the kids. But, other parents (like me) are stressed when the kids go back to school. Forms to fill out. Homework to supervise. Lunches to make. After school activities. Emails, phone calls, PTA goes on and on.

If you find yourself feeling overly stressed with back to school, try to slow down. Use lists and reminders to help you manage all the things you have to do. Don't over schedule yourself or your kids. You need some downtime to relax. Be sure to exercise regularly and get enough sleep which will help relieve the stress.  Finally, if you feel like the situation is not manageable or you feel overwhelmed, see your primary care provider for help.

Also keep in mind that kids can feel stressed out by school starting. Especailly kids new to school .My kindergartener complained several times last week of tummy aches, usually when getting ready for bed. We talked calmly about school and the things she likes about her new class and this helped take her mind off her nerves. Remember that tummy aches that last should be checked by a doctor.

To make your school schedule easier, be sure to allow enough time in the morning to get ready and off to school. When you are rushed, you will be more stressed and your kids will, too. Try to keep a regular school day routine with dinner, homework, baths, and bedtime at around the same time each night. This allows kids to adjust to their schedule and provide structure to their time at home.  Kids will know what to expect and this will avoid battles with your kids over bedtime and homework.  If you feel like their is a problem developing with your child's behavior, follow your instincts and see a doctor.

Hopefully this year will be a happy and successful school year for all of us!

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